Friday, May 29, 2009

Big Beautiful Boxes: Hope Chests

hope chest from Fine Ideas

What's the difference between a blanket chest and a hope chest? Organizer Julie Bestry asked this, and it seems there really isn't much difference. Take a look at these lovely options, and see what you think.

The hope chest above was made by Fine Ideas Furniture; go there for custom handcrafted furniture by Dan Rieple.

hope chest from MapleArt

And this stunning hope chest, another custom product, comes from MapleArt, in Canada. If you go to MapleArt's web site, you can see another remarkable piece that's quite different.

hope chest (from Julia Hope Chest) in living room

Don't want to go custom? Take a look at the Julia Hope Chest Company.

hope chest from Sticks Art, painted

Finally, you could get a very different style of hope chest from Sticks Art. This particular chest is significantly wider than most of the ones on offer - 61 inches vs. the more normal 35 inches.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Hope chests are beautiful pieces of furniture that has the bonus of storage. The best are of solid wood and last many years. The website, offers some really nice ones, too.