Monday, November 27, 2006

Moving is Easier Without the Clutter

The Novato Advance had a story earlier this month about how hard it can be to move to a new home when you have a lot of clutter. Here are a couple quotes from the story.

"They finally received a solid bid last week and were pleased when a watertight agreement was reached. But one aspect of the deal left them unsettled: They had less than a month to vacate. The husband is now in a state of panic. A longtime flea market aficionado and packrat, he's spent years amassing 'bargains' of all kinds and has always been loath to let anything go."

"Those who attempt a crash decluttering program often become bogged down. If this is your problem, McNamara suggests you consider hiring a professional organizer to get you on track and keep you there until you reach your goal. She cites one source of referrals: The National Association of Professional Organizers ("

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