Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Organizers Who Blog, Part 1

many bloggers

Imagine being in a room with over 20 organizers who also blog! It was wonderful to meet some of my fellow bloggers in person. Rather than just list their names, I thought I'd point you to some of their more interesting posts.

John Trosko

John Trosko
Want celebrity organizing news? John's blog is the place to go!

Monica Ricci

Monica Ricci
Monica's post on hiring a professional organizer is funny - and right on.

Lorie Marrero

Lorie Marrero
Lorie has so many practical tips - here's her advice on box bottom folders.

Lissanne Oliver and her book, SORTED

Lissanne Oliver
It was so wonderful to meet Lissanne - and, since she was my roommate, to have those late-night conversations. She's every bit as wonderful a person as I imagined she'd be. [Yes, I mostly cropped myself out of this photo, too.] Here's her take on organising digital photos.

Aby Garvey

Aby Garvey
Aby is known for scrapbooking, but she writes about much more - including organizing tub toys.

Julie Bestry

Julie Bestry
Dealing with an overwhelming number of books is an issue many of us face; Julie provides good advice about NOW books, THEN books, and SOMEDAY books.

Brandie Kajino

Brandie Kajino
Sometimes the best posts are very personal - including this post from Brandie about her own decluttering experience. Brandie also provided that photo at the top of this post.

Janine Adams

Janine Adams
In another very personal post, Janine writes about being an organizer whose own home isn't always as organized as she might wish.

Lauren Halagarda

Lauren Halagarda
Thanks to Lauren for pointing me to the Table of Condiments that Periodically Go Bad.

Margaret Lukens

Margaret Lukens
Perfectionism is such a bugaboo for many of us - so I appreciated Margaret's post on this topic.

Emily Wilska

Emily Wilska
One of my favorites from Emily is her most recent post, where she reminds us that every possession is a responsibility.

Joan Kosmachuuk

Joan Kosmachuk
Joan wrote about organizing your pots and pans - the picture alone makes the post worth a look!


  1. I wish I could have made it there this year, it looks like you all had so much fun!

  2. Wow, I have some reading to catch up on! Thanks for the great links.

  3. Tanna, we did indeed - maybe next year?

    Michele, one thing I really enjoy is how different all the blogs are, reflecting each organizer's personality. We're in the same business, but we're very different people! But I have yet to meet a fellow organizer that I can't learn something from.

  4. Jeri, it was a blast meeting you, as well as all the other org bloggers at NAPO conference! Thanks for the terrific post. I just got back into town on Tuesday night, and then Wednesday I went out of town again for a media thing, so I'm still unpacking and catching up! Haven't had a chance to blog my conference experience yet, but I will! :)

  5. Jeri: that was so sweet of you to add me to your list -- it was great to meet you and the meeting of bloggers was one of my highlights from the conference. Your blog is certainly one of the best.

  6. Somehow I missed this post. Thanks for the mention! What a great group of people to be with. :)


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