Saturday, October 9, 2010

Laundry Baskets: Beyond the Basics

Photo by qBaz / Adam Hirsch, licensed under Creative Commons

Laundry baskets - which can of course be used for much more than just laundry - may be most familiar in the basic plastic versions. But if you'd like something more stylish, you've got lots of options.

plastic collapsible laundry basket

UnHampered is a plastic laundry basket with a difference: It's collapsible. However, it's not for sale yet - it needs a minimum number of people committing to buy it before it goes into production. [via Julie Bestry] Update on Sept. 14, 2016: The Unhampered laundry basket evolved from this original design, and the revised version did get made. However, it's currently hard to find; it may well have been discontinued. However, I still see it here.

polypropylene basket

This polypropylene basket from Germany, called 2HANDS, has more design flair then most plastic baskets. It comes in six different colors. [via Apartment Therapy]

laundry basket

Don't want plastic at all? You could always go for this laundry basket sold by Shaker Workshops.

laundry trug from recycled rice bag

And finally, another very different option is this laundry trug, "handmade from recycled rice bags and produced in a fairtrade project in Cambodia."

Related Post:
Many More Ways to Store the Laundry


  1. That collapsing/folding laundry basket is genius. What a great space saver!

  2. The collapsible laundry basket is great. I can see it being used for traveling, camping etc as well as for apartment dwellers & for dorm rooms.

    I really like the one from Cambodia too. Always great to see stuff being reused and people being treated fairly.

  3. The AL and Jacki: Thanks for commenting; it's always nice when readers like something I've listed as much as I like it!

  4. The collapsible basket is good, I like that they put handles on all 4 sides. However I think my favorite is the trug - lightweight, flexible so it won't crack and can be folded up when not needed, recycled material, and fair trade.

  5. Cynthia and JustGail, thanks for your comments. The trug pulls into the lead, with the collapsible basket running close behind!

  6. Awesome laundry baskets! Thanks for posting about them.

  7. Was it a simple typo when I called the "Trug" the "Tug" or was it my subconscious commenting on the effort required to do laundry? In that case, it could also be called the "Lug."

  8. Cynthia, I was assuming simple typo -but you'd know better than I would! :-)

    Now, why is laundry such an effort? That could make a whole nother post ...


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