Monday, July 13, 2009

Reader Question: Brightly Colored Bankers Boxes?

red bankers box

I was looking at your web site about bankers boxes, and wondered if you knew of a source for non-commercial looking boxes. I'm looking for some brightly colored ones, if they are available. I just put shelves in our bedroom closet (we have 9 foot ceilings, and all the upper space was going to waste) and I want to use bankers boxes to store "stuff" like sweaters and clothes that we only wear part of the year. My wife doesn't want it to look like office storage though.

I had gone into The Container Store and asked about "bankers boxes" and the salesperson didn't know what a bankers box was. It turns out they have solid white ones, but no colored ones.

Well, there are a few colored bankers boxes available from Fellowes - they don't seem "brightly colored," though. There's one in red, and one in cornflower blue.

MeBox cardbord storage boxes

Another product that's an exact match is the MeBox, which I've written about before, but Design Within Reach doesn't carry that product any more. There are other distributors listed, though, so hopefully you can still buy them, if not as easily. (Update on Oct. 24, 2012: It seems the MeBox is not available at this time.) However, I did find some other storage boxes that are somewhat similar in size, and might work for you.

canvas file boxes in green, beige, brown

West Elm's canvas file boxes could possibly work. Update on July 15, 2011: West Elm no longer sells these boxes.

green storage boxes

While IKEA stores drive me crazy, IKEA does have some boxes that could work. Here is the Kassett box; there's also Strikt. Update on Oct. 24, 2012: I'm no longer finding the Strikt boxes.

cardboard storage boxes in red, green, blue, yellow, pink, and orange

Finally, these colorful cardboard boxes come from Kid-Eco the U.K., but it appears the company ships around the world. The boxes are available in a number of sizes. Kid-Eco calls them toy storage boxes, but there's no reason they couldn't store any number of things.


  1. If the reader can't find suitable pre-colored boxes, a can of spray-paint can do wonders to making the boxes colorful and attractive

  2. As always, Jeri, you are a credit to our profession. The big advantage of Bankers Boxes is that no glue is used, so it doesn't unduly attract insects, but I've often bemoaned the lack of colorful alternatives. Thanks so much for pointing these out.

  3. My solution?
    Plain white banker's boxes and acrylic paint. Took me just an afternoon to paint a ten-pack of boxes.
    Then I used paint chips in complementary colors to create labels.
    Awesome, and all for under $15

  4. Jessica and Kate, thanks for pointing out the "paint it yourself, whatever color you want" option!

    Julie, as always, I'm delighted when you find my posts to be useful!

  5. I painted 6 bankers boxes and lids with black acrylic and pasted some gorgeous photos I cut from "W" magazine in one afternoon. Next: A little fabric for color, some modge podge and sealer, and I'll have one of a kind boxes for my bedroom. I also use rubber dishpans to hold the items under the sink in kitchen and bath. It makes it so easy to find things when you can pull out the whol dishpan.

  6. do the boxes warp or bend after being painted? or spray painted?

  7. I painted mine back in July and they are still holding their shape and have not warped or bent at all.

    The one thing I have noticed is the paint on the bottom of the boxes rubs off onto shelves. Nothing a few black felt rounds couldn't solve.

  8. I bought 2 really cute, colorful bankers boxes from Target sometime last year or the year before, and of course, now that I need more they apparently aren't selling them anymore. I'm still keeping my eye on Target's stock though...


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