Friday, July 18, 2008

Find a Special Home for a Special Toy

child in hospital with stuffed animal

What do do with those very special children's toys - the ones they are ready to give up, but you're hesitating because they are special to you? Some professional organizers were discussing this recently, and organizer Heather Ahern of The FUNctional Home shared this suggestion. I thought it was wonderful, and got her permission to share it with you.
I try to get my clients who have those very special things to find very special uses for them. ... I know a two year old who is back in the hospital for yet another round of chemo. This time with a stem cell transplant, so this means weeks of confinement away from friends and even family.

In every city there are boys and girls of every age who could use something special to help cheer them up or fight boredom as they spend time in hospitals. Their parents would love to buy them special things but often they are losing days at work and have the extra bills that come with trying to save a child’s life. If you contact any pediatric cancer hospital in your city, there will be a nurse who can match your "gift" to a child.

The feeling you get from doing something special, with something you love, is tremendous.

[photo by lakerae]


  1. What a great idea for getting rid of these tricky special things. I would imagine it would feel good for the child to know that someone who doesn't even him or her gave this gift.

  2. Maybe, Michele. I don't know about children, but I know as an adult I've been very touched by the kindness of people I barely know.

    But what I DO know for sure is that many of my clients are very pleased when I Freecycle something for them and they get to see it going to a good home - getting USED and appreciated, instead of sitting in a closet. This post is sort of an extension of that - matching special things and special people.

  3. Long ago I found a place in L.A. that was delighted to take my old collection of stuffed animals (can't recall the name, unfortunately). I had carted those little critters around in boxes for years and years.

    Do happen know of a spot in your neck of the woods, Jeri, called Project NightNight which serves homeless kids.

    It is important to inquire at hospitals before donating to make sure that used toys are okay. Some hospitals want only new toys. Probably too much liability involved if they take the used ones. We live in a very litigious society!

  4. Cynthia, I know hundreds of places to donate things around here - and that was a new one to me.

    Thanks so much - it sounds wonderful. I've got a client that I think Project Night Night will be PERFECT for.

    And yes, you certainly do need to be careful about which places will accept used toys. Thanks for adding that caution.


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