Saturday, May 3, 2008

But Those Old Baby Clothes are So Cute! And Sentimental!

pink little girl's dress on hanger

Children's clothing can be so darling - and of course many items bring back wonderful memories.

One mother who couldn't bear to part with the clothes she made for her little girl is planning to hang them on cute hangers and using them as room decorations.

quilt from cute child's clothes

And you can also have those children's clothes turned into a quilt; you can either make the quilt yourself or send off the clothes and have it made for you. [via Planet Green and Cool Mom Picks] Update on Aug. 1, 2012: Ticche and Bea, the site that made (or assisted with) these quilts, seems to have disappeared.

little girl in party dress and hat

But maybe you'd get even more happiness from giving (at least some of them) them away (or lending them out) so another little child could wear then - giving them to a relative, a neighbor, a friend, or even a stranger on Freecycle. You could always take a photo first to serve as a memento. [photo from Oobi]

[First photo by Green Kitchen / Michelle]

Related post:
Four Options for the Old T-Shirt


  1. I made a memory quilt out of my sons old clothes...

  2. Bethany, you're too modest! You also made one for someone else, raising $700 for a good cause, and now you sell them on your Etsy shop.


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